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Edo no Temari Uta IIOther Versions

Main Index ➤ Itsuki Hiroshi ➤ Edo no Temari UtaEdo no Temari Uta

Edo no Temari Uta (江戸の手毬唄; The Edo Handball Song) is the A-side from Itsuki Hiroshi's single "Edo no Temari Uta". The track was originally written for enka singer Itsuki Hiroshi. He allowed Tsunku to use the song for ℃-ute, thus starting a friendly rivalry. Itsuki released his single under the title "Edo no Temari Uta" on October 22, 2008, three months after ℃-ute did. This is one of the reasons why "Edo no Temari Uta II" isn't considered to be known as a cover single.

Song Data[]


English Translation Open to Editing
The below translation is complete, but is open for anyone to edit.

Japanese Lyrics

江戸の名物 火事に喧嘩に
伊勢屋に稲荷に 犬の糞
振袖火事は 本妙寺
恋の執念 恐ろしや
晴着が火を噴き 飛んだそな
ひいやふうや みいやようや
赤いべべ着て 仲の町

江戸の火消しは いろは四十八
櫓で半鐘が ジャンと鳴りゃ
炎に纏の 男伊達
頼りないのは 竜吐水
名前に負けてる 水鉄砲

江戸の御法度 不義に密通
材木問屋の お駒さん
密通露見し 黄八丈
裸馬にて 引き回し
泣き泣き渡るは 涙橋
ひいやふうや みいやようや
いつむうななやあ ここのつとう
ひいやふうや みいやようや
いつむうななやあ ここのつとう
とんと首尾よく つき上がり

Romaji Lyrics + Color Code

Edo no meibutsu kaji ni kenka ni
iseya ni inari ni inu no fun
furisode kaji wa honmyouji
koi no shuunen osoroshiya
haregi ga hi wo fuki e~ e~ e tonda so na
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
akai BEBE kite Nakanochou

Edo no hikeshi wa irohashijuuhachi
yagura de hanshou ga JAN to narya
honoo ni matoi no otokodate
tayorinai no wa ryuudosui
namae ni maketeru e~ e~ e mizudeppou

Edo no gohatto fugi ni mittsuu
zaimoku tonya no Okoma-san
mittsuu roken shi kihachijou
hadakauma nite hikimawashi
nakinaki wataru wa e~ e~ e namidabashi
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
itsu muu nana yaa kokonotsu tou
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
itsu muu nana yaa kokonotsu tou
ton to shubi yoku tsuki agari


Edo's specialties are fires and fights,
Iseya shops, shrines, and dog poop
The Furisode Fire is at Honmyouji
The tight grip of love is a terrifying thing
When that beautiful kimono bursts into flames, the fire flies
One, two, three, four
Wearing a red kimono at Nakanocho[N1]

Edo's firefighters are the Iroha 48
When the fire alarm bell clangs at the watch tower, then
Those heroic men bring a fire banner to the flames
What we can't depend on are the water pumps,
They're squirt guns that fail to live up to their name

Edo's taboos are impropriety and adultery
The daughter of the timber wholesaler, Okoma-san[N2]
Had her adulterous affair exposed in her yellow, eight-length kimono
Forced to parade around town riding a horse bareback
The bridge she crossed while crying was the Bridge of Tears[N3]
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
With a successful tap, the temari flies straight up in the air

Japanese Lyrics

江戸の名物 火事に喧嘩に
伊勢屋に稲荷に 犬の糞
振袖火事は 本妙寺
恋の執念 恐ろしや
晴着が火を噴き 飛んだそな
ひいやふうや みいやようや
赤いべべ着て 仲の町

江戸の火消しは いろは四十八
櫓で半鐘が ジャンと鳴りゃ
炎に纏の 男伊達
頼りないのは 竜吐水
名前に負けてる 水鉄砲

江戸の御法度 不義に密通
材木問屋の お駒さん
密通露見し 黄八丈
裸馬にて 引き回し
泣き泣き渡るは 涙橋
ひいやふうや みいやようや
いつむうななやあ ここのつとう
ひいやふうや みいやようや
いつむうななやあ ここのつとう
とんと首尾よく つき上がり

Romaji Lyrics + Color Code

Edo no meibutsu kaji ni kenka ni
iseya ni inari ni inu no fun
furisode kaji wa honmyouji
koi no shuunen osoroshiya
haregi ga hi wo fuki e~ e~ e tonda so na
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
akai BEBE kite Nakanochou

Edo no hikeshi wa irohashijuuhachi
yagura de hanshou ga JAN to narya
honoo ni matoi no otokodate
tayorinai no wa ryuudosui
namae ni maketeru e~ e~ e mizudeppou

Edo no gohatto fugi ni mittsuu
zaimoku tonya no Okoma-san
mittsuu roken shi kihachijou
hadakauma nite hikimawashi
nakinaki wataru wa e~ e~ e namidabashi
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
itsu muu nana yaa kokonotsu tou
hiiya fuuya miiya youya
itsu muu nana yaa kokonotsu tou
ton to shubi yoku tsuki agari


Edo's specialties are fires and fights,
Iseya shops, shrines, and dog poop
The Furisode Fire is at Honmyouji
The tight grip of love is a terrifying thing
When that beautiful kimono bursts into flames, the fire flies
One, two, three, four
Wearing a red kimono at Nakanocho[N1]

Edo's firefighters are the Iroha 48
When the fire alarm bell clangs at the watch tower, then
Those heroic men bring a fire banner to the flames
What we can't depend on are the water pumps,
They're squirt guns that fail to live up to their name

Edo's taboos are impropriety and adultery
The daughter of the timber wholesaler, Okoma-san[N2]
Had her adulterous affair exposed in her yellow, eight-length kimono
Forced to parade around town riding a horse bareback
The bridge she crossed while crying was the Bridge of Tears[N3]
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
With a successful tap, the temari flies straight up in the air

Romaji: Kroed
Translation: Ririe


  • The lyrics are a retelling of the Great Fire of Meireki (also known as the Furisode Fire), with various 17th century pop-culture references spread throughout, as mentioned here.
  • There are several additional references included in this version (likely left out of C-ute's version due to age-appropriateness). They are as follows:
  1. ^  Nakanocho was the main street of the red light district [Shin-Yoshiwara https://www.loc.gov/item/2008660841/] during the Edo period.
  2. ^  This stanza narrates the story of Shirakoya Okuma. This tale is often referred to in Japan as "the Shirakoya incident".
  3. ^  There are two places in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) purported to have born the name "Bridge of Tears". They are bridges near execution grounds, where it is said that the accused tearfully said goodbye to their family and loved ones prior to receiving their punishment. The more famous of the two is the Bridge of Tears near Suzugamori Execution Grounds.

Main Index℃-ute② ℃-ute Shinsei Naru Best AlbumEdo no Temari Uta II (2012 Shinsei Naru Ver.)

Edo no Temari Uta II (2012 Shinsei Naru Ver.) (江戸の手毬唄II(2012神聖なるVer.); The Edo Handball Song II (2012 Becoming Sacred Ver.)) is a track from C-ute's album ② ℃-ute Shinsei Naru Best Album. It is a Suzuki Airi solo re-recording of ℃-ute's single with a new arrangement.

Song Data[]


Featured Members
Suzuki Airi

Japanese Lyrics
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Romaji Lyrics + Color Code
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Japanese Lyrics
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Romaji Lyrics + Color Code
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Liner Notes[]

Liner Notes by Tsunku[1]

10 江戸の手毬唄Ⅱ(2012神聖なるVer.)  <リアレンジ> [鈴木]


10 Edo no Temari Uta II (2012 Shinsei Naru Ver.) <Rearrangement> [Suzuki Airi]
The tempo has been increased, and the arrangement itself has been completely broken down and rebuilt.
Then I tried expressing it as a Suzuki solo.
Suzuki's singing has improved by leaps and bounds since the original recording, and so the song become even more different yet again.

Translation: Ririe

